Field Experience
2009-Present. Alligator Handler. Educational presentations and wildlife care and handling. Everglades Holiday Park, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
2009-Present. Field Researcher(volunteer). Burmese Python research. Everglades National Park (ENP)
2013-Present. Removal of nonnative reptiles on state and SFWMD lands permit holder with University of Florida.
2011-2014 cast member on Animal Planet's show Gatorboys
2011-2013. Animal Handler/performer. Educational presentations and wildlife care and handling Everglades Alligator Farm, Homestead, Fl
2007-Present. Wildlife Caretaker(volunteer). Venomous snakes. Everglades Outpost, Homestead, FL
2012. Environmental Consultant for Si Como No Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica. Gave training seminar on handling Crocodylus acutus and set up their captive breeding program.
2010. Volunteer Researcher on Nerodia rufipunctatus project in Arizona.
2010. Expedition Leader on Herpetological Tour. Margarita Tours. Peru
2009. Photographer. Project Amazonas. Peru
2006-2009. Zookeeper/Venomous Snake Handler, Caretaker, Wildlife Shows/Penguin keeper/Alligator Caretaker, Wildlife Shows. Jungle Island. Miami Beach, FL
2005. Volunteer. Red Cross (post hurricane recovery). Palm Bay, FL
2003, 2004, and 2005. Nature Camp Counselor. Taught campers about Florida wildlife, cared for park exhibit animals. Brevard County Parks and Recreation. Palm Bay, FL
2016. Environmental educator promoting everglades literacy under the Everglades Foundation
2016. First mate and guide for several shark dives with various operators
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Presentations & Guest Lectures
Reptiles of South Florida, FIU. February 26, September 14, 2010. March 1, March 5, October 17, 2012
Amphibians of South Florida, FIU. March 29, October 17, 2012
Invasive Species of South Florida, FIU. October 24, 2012
Wildlife of South Florida, FIU
Inspirational speaker, FIU. February 7, 2013
Reptiles and Amphibians of Peru, Calusa Herpetological Society
Reptiles and Amphibians of Peru, Palm Beach A.Z.A.K
Guest appearance for Miami Museum of Science's Reptile Day. November 3rd, 2012
Guest Appearance for The Great Outdoors RV and Boat Show. September 2012
Crocodilian behavior-South Florida Herp Society 12-15-2013
Guest speaker at Chicago Herpetological Society, October 2014
Guest speaker for Herp Society of South Florida, October 2014
Guest speaker at FIU Environments & Societies, November 2014
South Florida Underwater Photography Society, underwater everglades, 2-9-16
USA Dive Club, Underwater Florida, 7-6-16
Florida Trail Meeting guest speaker, everglades phototgraphy, 10-11-16
Published Photography
Cover photo of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2-14-2012 vol109
Photo used in Pit Viper Snakebite Assessment and Treatment by Jon E Soskis
Cover of and numerous photos throughout FROGS: The Animal Answer Guide
Cover of and numerous photos throughout Invasive Pythons in the United States
Cover of and numerous photos throughout Natural History of Neotropical Treeboas
Cover of and numerous photos throughout Snakes of the Southeast, 5th edition
Agalychnis Circle of Life published in HerpNation magazine, written and all photographs
UF Herpetological Website
Nature’s Best Magazine
Newt Pamphlet, Master Naturalist Program with University of Florida
Buntbarsche Bulletin #289 cover image (cichlid magazine)
Images throughout Peterson field guide to reptiles and amphibians of North America
Images used in Tiny Turtle by Bob Plamitier
Numerous photos used by the University of Florida's online resources
Film Experience
Cast member on Animal Planet’s GatorBoys
Segment on Invasive species on CNN
Featured on Don Wildman, Travel Channel
WLRN’s Alien Invaders
Everglades Under Attack on Fusion 3/20/15
Daily Planet on Discovery Canada, shark week episode
TrailBlazers on Discovery Channel
Featured on Discovery, NBC, E!, Animal Planet, WLRN, Fusion, numerous local and foreign networks
Understanding of Capabilities
Animal Handling
Experience handling adult crocodilians- American Alligator, American Crocodile, Cuban Crocodile, Morelet's Crocodile, Nile Crocodile, Orinoco Crocodile, Spectacled Caiman, Yacare Caiman, Cuvier’s Dwarf Caiman, Schneider’s Dwarf Caiman, Black Caiman, Saltwater Crocodile. Nonvenomous large snakes- Burmese Python, Reticulated Python, Green Anaconda, Boa constrictor, various other species.
Venomous Snake experience
Several species of elapids such as King Cobras, Monocled Cobras(many other species in the genus Naja), coral snakes. Numerous species of vipers such as rattlesnakes, bushmasters, fer-de-lances, gaboon vipers, mangshan vipers.
Shark experience- have worked as a photographer in the water with Great White Sharks, Bull Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Silky Sharks, Dusky Sharks, Sandbar Sharks, Lemon Sharks, Caribbean Reef Sharks, Great Hammerhead Sharks, Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks, Nurse Shark
Wildlife Education/Presentation
Handling animals with large crowds of people, being able to focus on proper animal handling while still delivering an exciting and educational experience to guests
In class lectures to students from 4th grade to college sophomores on topic such as invasive species, everglades ecology, reptiles and amphibians of Florida.
General public or club presentations on underwater photography, invasive species, tropical herpetofauna, etc
Presentations to crowds upwards of 600 people at a time, regularly entertaining over 2,000 guests a day
Field Research
Safe capture, handling, and data collection of reptiles and amphibians and accurate field identification, utilize GPS, compile territory and population data, limited radio telemetry experience, carry equipment in field during harsh conditions of heat, heavy rains and mosquitoes
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